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TonsilClin Tonsil Stones Cupping Glass

Suction Cup for Quick Removal of Tonsil Stones, Yellow Chunks or Lumps in the Throat

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TonsilClin Cupping Glass

For the safe suction of tonsil stones and lumps in the throat 

New: TonsilClin Cupping Glass! 

Are you suffering from smelly chunks in the throat tonsil and would you like to remove them in an easy, safe, and quick way? TonsilClin is the solution!

TonsilClin Cupping Glass is an instrument that is used to pull tonsil stones and bacteria out of the indentations of the tonsils effectively.

  • Quickly and safely removes tonsil stones 
  • Prevents against bad breath coming from the throat 
  • Reduces the chance of throat infections 
  • Renews confidence in the quality of your breath 

How does TonsilClin Cupping Glass work? 

TonsilClin Cupping Glass consists of a glass pipette and an orange suction ball.

The end of the pipette is simply placed on the tonsil. By pinching the ball, it creates a sucking effect. This vacuum effect is pleasant but also strong enough to rid even the deepest indentations of stinking stones and pathogens. Cleaning with the help of sucking out the tonsil indentations improves the quality of breath up to 100% and reduces the chance of throat infections.

Can I also use a cotton swab? 

It's okay if you can use a cotton swab to remove the tonsil stones. However, in 95% of people who have tonsils, the stones are so deep that they are no longer visible. In this case, a cotton swab won't help.

Most of the indentations are too narrow and too deep to 'pierce' with an instrument. The chance of irritating the tonsils is far too great. 

TonsilClin  Cupping Glass, on the other hand, reaches a larger area of the tonsils tissue and uses suction to bring even the deepest stones out of the pockets to the surface.

How does the price come about? 

As is the case with many products, you pay for what you get. TonsilClin is made from quality glass and will last a lifetime. The glass pipette is blown with a lot of attention in a small glass factory in Northern Germany.

Am I not getting a gag reflex? 

TonsilClin has a compact design, which means that most people will not experience the gag reflex. If this is the case, you would have to practice using it further. After a few times, you will notice that it is already getting easier.

How can I best use TonsilClin Cupping Glass? 

What do you need? 

  • mirror 
  • strong light 
  • Cupping Glass 
  • mouthwash with Oxygene to rinse (such as OxyFresh or TonsilFresh)
  1. Go and stand in front of a mirror big enough to see the tonsils. 
  2. Attach a powerful light source as close as possible to the mirror. 
  3. First, pinch the suction ball and then place the pipette on the tonsil tissue. 
  4. Now let go of the ball slowly so that a vacuum effect is created.

Since you don't always know where the stones are, it is best to move the pipette from front to back and from left to right. 

It is possible that not all of the tonsil stones are immediately in the glass, but are only sucked in after several times.

After using TonsilClin, it is important that the glass and the suction ball are cleaned well with hot water.

Then rinse your mouth and throat with an alcohol-free and pH-neutral mouthwash without coloring and sodium lauryl sulfate. It's best to use OxyFresh, a mouthwash that has been shown to loose tonsil stones, which makes TonsilClin work even better.


What can I do about tonsil stones?

Tonsil stones can be removed best with TonsilFresh products such as Cupping Tool, Loop Extractor, and WaterFloss.

The best way to prevent tonsil stones is to identify and eliminate the origin of the formation of tonsil stones. They are usually caused, among other factors, by allergies, tongue coating, calcium, and a dry mouth.

  1. Brush the tongue with OraBrush and JuliBrite gel. 
  2. Rinse the tonsils and mouth with OxyFresh or TonsilFresh mouthwash. 
  3. Clear the sinuses of bacteria with the help of TonsilFresh Nasal Sinus Drops. 
  4. Rinse the throat extra thoroughly after consuming dairy products.

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